Comment by dang
1 year ago
Please don't post like this. It's against the intention of this site and especially against the intended spirit I tried to describe at the top of the thread.
1 year ago
Please don't post like this. It's against the intention of this site and especially against the intended spirit I tried to describe at the top of the thread.
I've been posting similar admonishments to commenters on all sides of this argument when they cross the line into flamewar. Your comments in this thread have clearly been doing that, and not only the comment I replied to.
It's common for people with strong feelings on a topic to feel like the mods must be biased against them and secretly in favor of the other side ( Meanwhile the other side(s) feel exactly the same way. These perceptions feel convincing, but you can't trust them—they're a product of some kind of hard-wiring that we all seem to share, especially when our emotions get engaged.
Any fair minded person who slogs their way through my moderation posts in this thread, and any similar thread, is going to see how hard we try to be even-handed, apply HN's rules fairly, and so on. Not that we always get it right, of course.
By the way, if you see a post that ought to have been moderated but hasn't been, the likeliest explanation is that we didn't see it. There is far too much content on HN, or even in a large thread like this one, for us to see it all. You can help by flagging it or emailing us at