Comment by ignoramous
1 year ago
> ISIS was defeated in Iraq by a U.S.-led coalition
Yeah and who defeated them in Syria? There were two coalitions. French/US led and Syria/Iran led.
> The PLO was willing to negotiate and Hamas is not.
In 2014, in a meeting in the UAE post war, Hamas encouraged PLO to reach a political arrangement with Israel on 67 borders. Then in 2017, ratified their charter again to make that point clear. In 2021, Hamas offered to join the PLO and conduct elections, which almost happened only for Israel to not let East Jerusalem residents vote.
> subsequently started a massive civil war
US and Israel encouraged a coup by Fatah by arming and training the Presidential Guard in opposition to Hamas.
> Israel and Ramallah have not
Israel has razed Jenin, Tulkarm, and Nablus just this past month with over 50+ dead.
> Israel and the PA mutually recognize each other
PA is a puppet with bare minimum control over economy, trade, and security of its own people.
>Hamas encouraged PLO to reach a political arrangement with Israel on 67 borders
And then to continue the war from these borders. Duh.
> ratified their charter again to make that point clear.
The one which opposes recognition of Israel and promises to continue the war?
>which almost happened only for Israel to not let East Jerusalem residents vote.
This isn't true at all. Israeli opposes PA polling stations there. There are other ways to vote (like having the stations inside the EU consulates, or by mail). Which they already used in 2006, so PA is actually fine with this. It's that Abbas will lose to Hamas and everyone knows it, so he needs an lie that uninformed people would swallow.
>Israel has razed Jenin, Tulkarm, and Nablus
These cities aren't razed by any normal definition of 'razed'. Some people wanted to start another front and got crushed.
> And then to continue the war from these borders
Not a wise move.
> opposes recognition... promises war
I think you're confusing Likud's charter with Hamas'?
> uninformed people would swallow
Some say Egypt, Jordan, and Israel equally sabotaged the elections:
> Some people wanted to start another front and got crushed
Truly crushed, or rather collective punishment / war crimes were the words you were looking for?
>Some say Egypt, Jordan, and Israel equally sabotaged the elections:
The entire article is about how nobody buys Abbas' excuses (the other link is similarly not relevant to the discussion).
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I'm really not sure why it matters who gets to claim credit in Syria. The point is that the US and its allies used the same tactics as Israel is using in Gaza to defeat ISIS, and I think it's silly to say that the U.S. or Iran or whoever should've just tried dialogue with ISIS. The same is true for Hamas.
In 2014, in a meeting in the UAE post war, Hamas encouraged PLO to reach a political arrangement with Israel on 67 borders. Then in 2017, ratified their charter again to make that point clear. In 2021, Hamas offered to join the PLO and conduct elections, which almost happened only for Israel to not let East Jerusalem residents vote.
None of these things are Hamas willing to make a permanent peace deal with Israel, which they have repeatedly stated they are not willing to do. After being frustrated by your off-topic or entirely inaccurate responses, I realized I remembered your username, and you have previously tried to claim to me that Hamas was willing to make peace deals and continually failed to back up your claims, along with similar unsourced claims and irrelevant debate points as I'm noticing in this back-and-forth. I am not really interested in having this "discussion" again!
Just as then, it is still the case that Abbas cancelled the elections, not Israel, even according to Hamas. I cited Hamas's own public statements, Wikipedia, etc and you are still making this same unsourced assertion that somehow Israel did it. But that's not even relevant! Hamas is very clear that they do not want a permanent peace deal with Israel!
By the way, the "PLO" stopped existing a long time before 2014. It's the PA now.
Israel has razed Jenin...
No, it didn't "raze" Jenin or any other city in the West Bank in "the past month," nor has it razed any city in the West Bank since the end of the Second Intifadah other than its own settlements. It fought a small group of Hamas-aligned terrorists with minimal casualties, agreed upon with the PA.
PA is a puppet with bare minimum control over economy, trade, and security of its own people
The PA is just the reformed PLO, that you were just saying should supposedly be emulated by Israel and Hamas. And objectively it is doing far better on literally all of those axes — economy, trade, and security — for its own people than Hamas.
Anyway, once again I point out: you are unable to say what Israel can actually do to prevent Hamas from repeatedly attacking it, given that Hamas does not want a permanent peace deal with Israel.
Yeah yeah you're still trying to cite the single opinion piece that has no sources for Hamas supposedly being willing to make peace. Hamas's official statements on "peace" are here:
And their 2017 charter didn't say they were willing to make peace with Israel; in fact it only stated that it was justified to continue fighting Israel as it claims it's an occupying power. Hamas views all of Israel to be "occupied," not just 1967 borders, so that is a call for permanent war.
Hamas offered to join the PLO
No they didn't. Why do you keep claiming that? They ran against Fatah in 2021:
And once again, the PLO doesn't exist.
Running in PA elections doesn't mean anything about their "peace" plans; they ran in 2006 and certainly had no peace plans then either: they had a charter that literally called for the genocide of the Jews (not Israelis! Not "Zionists." Jews).
Brooklyn doesn't get to decide that
I am not from Brooklyn, nor is any government involved here based in Brooklyn, so I can only assume you're being rabidly antisemitic here.
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