Comment by yyyk
1 year ago
>Hamas encouraged PLO to reach a political arrangement with Israel on 67 borders
And then to continue the war from these borders. Duh.
> ratified their charter again to make that point clear.
The one which opposes recognition of Israel and promises to continue the war?
>which almost happened only for Israel to not let East Jerusalem residents vote.
This isn't true at all. Israeli opposes PA polling stations there. There are other ways to vote (like having the stations inside the EU consulates, or by mail). Which they already used in 2006, so PA is actually fine with this. It's that Abbas will lose to Hamas and everyone knows it, so he needs an lie that uninformed people would swallow.
>Israel has razed Jenin, Tulkarm, and Nablus
These cities aren't razed by any normal definition of 'razed'. Some people wanted to start another front and got crushed.
> And then to continue the war from these borders
Not a wise move.
> opposes recognition... promises war
I think you're confusing Likud's charter with Hamas'?
> uninformed people would swallow
Some say Egypt, Jordan, and Israel equally sabotaged the elections:
> Some people wanted to start another front and got crushed
Truly crushed, or rather collective punishment / war crimes were the words you were looking for?
>Some say Egypt, Jordan, and Israel equally sabotaged the elections:
The entire article is about how nobody buys Abbas' excuses (the other link is similarly not relevant to the discussion).
> The entire article is about how nobody buys Abbas...
You read it?
Egypt & Jordan:
> the other link is similarly not relevant
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