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Comment by austin-cheney

1 year ago

The solution is to end tribalism, and nothing more. The rest of your comment imagines and argues against something not stated.

Do you want peace or domination? You can’t have both, and that is not naive.

Tribalism is human nature. You simply can’t end it. And pointing it as a solution for the Palestinian problem is just as likely as “saying let’s colonize mars”, both are very nice ideas, but only feasible in movies.

  • What’s your solution? Domination does not appear to be working on any level and has severely eroded Israel’s credibility with its allies.

    Qualifying apartheid and sadist acts as human nature or that solving problems is too tough to bother trying sounds pretty weak. These are positions guilty people take to excuse bad behavior.

    • Same solution that was offered to Germany and Japan after WW2. Demilitarize, deradicalize, erect a technocratic regime, supported by western nations. And after a few years they can have their own sovereignty. Right now the hate is far too great and the capabilities are far too extreme to just let the Palestinians enter freely into Israeli territory

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