Comment by GordonS
1 year ago
> Moreover, Israel offered hamas a ceasefire if they release all the hostages and exile their top 6 leaders. That offer was rejected by hamas.
That wasn't a serious ceasefire offer, and you've left out the reasons why: it was a pause of 2 months, not a ceasefire offer at all! Furthermore, Israel wouldn't release the hostages they are holding. Why would anyone agree to release the hostages in exchange for nothing but a brief pause of genocide?
Netanyahu knew Hamas wouldn't agree to it; he only even made the offer because he'd turned down the Hamas offer first, and so needed a different story for the media to run with. Which worked just fine of course - MSM ran with "Hamas reject ceasefire" without even mentioning the Hamas offer.
And a ceasefire offer from Hamas that releases thousands of killers while absolving Hamas from any wrong doing is a serious one?
"thousands of killers" is just rhetoric; Hamas could argue that the IDF hostages they hold were "killers".
Meanwhile, many of the hostages held by Israel are held without even being charged. From what I've seen, it's quite obvious that many are innocent civilians, and hundreds of them are children.
We've also seen evidence that Israel tortures its prisoners, and that rape is endemic - which is probably why Israel won't let the Red Cross near them (something else it complains Hamas won't do).
Israel is behaving like a rogue state.
1 year old baby can be argued as a killer? Meanwhile the actual killers were caught live while killing Israelis in their homes in oct 7, they even filmed themselves and bragged about it. Pretty damning evidence. Conflating the hostages to the Israeli prisoners is terrorist rhetoric, not genuine rhetoric. Palestinian prisoners had access to the Red Cross up until oct 7, at which point the Red Cross was pretty useless and one sided against Israel.
Do you have any proof of rape accusations being endemic?
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