Comment by protomolecule
1 year ago
My point is that no game of Russian roulette would be played in this case.
"If you and your kind are the only potential victims I'd say go for it."
That's a lot of hate towards me and 'my kind'.
1 year ago
My point is that no game of Russian roulette would be played in this case.
"If you and your kind are the only potential victims I'd say go for it."
That's a lot of hate towards me and 'my kind'.
There is no hate here. If you want to risk your existence go ahead. We live in a free world. If you want to endanger my life - well fuck you.
I am having trouble finding any hate in here.
If I were South African, I'd want my government to not risk nuclear annihilation (or even blackmail) - however small the risk may be.
And if you aren't South African, and especially if you live in a country under NATO's nuclear umbrella, you have no business telling them they should risk their lives (for whatever reason).