You can't attack another user like this on HN, no matter how wrong they are or you feel they are.
You may not feel you owe the other person better, but you owe this community better if you're participating it; especially given the intended spirit that I attempted to describe at the top of this thread.
Denouncing others as monsters without humanity is what fuels this entire horror. The least we can do is not allow that on Hacker News.
You can't attack another user like this on HN, no matter how wrong they are or you feel they are.
You may not feel you owe the other person better, but you owe this community better if you're participating it; especially given the intended spirit that I attempted to describe at the top of this thread.
Denouncing others as monsters without humanity is what fuels this entire horror. The least we can do is not allow that on Hacker News.
This guy has probably taken part in salting the earth of Gaza
Just like the Nazis did to Jewish families. Just missing some time-period-specific-items, but the end result is exact and horrifying.
Pointing a finger at someone else does not mean that your HN comments were ok.
If killing innocent children doesn't make you a monster I don't know what does.
I disagree, refusing to denounce atrocious acts and being "civil" and "polite" is what fuels and literally allows these horrors.
These fucks are prancing around tiktok and ycombinator while they bomb refugee camps they deserve no peace.
I think labeling others as inhuman and deploying aggressive rhetoric against them is what fuels these horrors.
I get that your intention is to oppose injustice, but when you do it this way, you actually contribute to the violence.
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