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Comment by akudha

7 months ago

Kagi is playing against the likes of Google and Microsoft, who have infinite resources. Search is not a fight one can win casually. Every dollar, minute that is wasted on dumb stuff like t-shirts is an opportunity wasted on improving their core product.

Read the article, the author clearly lays out how Kagi is scattering their attention, money and energy on things that do not matter one bit.

He decided to spend some money to buy everyone a t-shirt as a gift.

A gift that nobody asked for, a gift that has zero impact, a gift that took their attention, time and money away from their core product.

Let me repeat - people are complaining because they care, because they want Kagi to succeed. Google search has gotten so bad that people are desperate for an alternative. Instead of taking it as "people are mean to us", perhaps Kagi should take it as "let us listen to our customers, they really do want us to succeed". If you see it from the perspective of a Kagi fan/customer, your opinion might change