Comment by OOPMan
7 months ago
Interesting post, honestly feels like the NFT cult: Discord full of true believers, leader with wildly optimistic takes on everything, nonsensical profit model.
I will say, however, that the authors one comment "Vlad is one of those people who thinks not everything is political" annoyed me a bit.
I get that for people living in the US it can seem like everything is political but I don't think it is and more importantly, I don't think it's a healthy attitude.
Not everything is political but there are certainly people who will try their best to make it seem that way, usually as a means to engage in politicing, often with unpleasant results.
I can judge the Kagi founder negatively for a lot of things in the post but this isn't one of them and it's a weird little jab to throw in that says more about the author of the post than the Kagi guy.
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