Comment by stavros
7 months ago
Why would Google's collapse be for the good of humanity? When was a power vacuum ever beneficial?
"Build a better search engine for the good of humanity", I can understand. "Kill a search engine for the good of humanity" is a reductive, childish take.
They've already killed it in essence, so that they are hurting billions of humans with it daily. But they can still run it because it creates more revenue in this harmful form than it did in its helpful form. Therefore sabotage against that revenue is justified.
Sabotaging the revenue of Google search will weaken them against honest incumbents. They are currently well funded enough to kill incumbents. That will start to change as they decline, aided by our boycotts and other forms of sabotage. The decline and sabotage of Google is necessary for a better search engine to have the space to succeed.
A power vacuum is often good.
Linux and open source exists in a personal and collective power vacuum that was created by proprietary knowledge and software.
Sometimes power vacuums are colonized by people with good intentions. And it's neither reductive nor immature to help create those opportunities.
I never said that someone shouldn't sabotage Google as well as create a better search engine. I myself am working on llm-driven knowledge retrieval systems, at the same time as advocating for the destruction of Google.
Good luck and do anything in your power that you think will help humanity have good search again.