Comment by alcover
9 months ago
> I'd think that an ideal game dev language would be programmer time efficient, reasonably performant and designed for skilled programmers who can handle a language filled with footguns. Basically a better version of C such as a selective subset of C++ or a Golang without garbage collection.
I agree so much that I've been working on this for a whole year.
There is a sweet spot : non-GC, with pointers (but bounded), inference, basic OOP + tacking, and all the comforts of scripts. All in a good looking syntax without semi-colons.
So you can program fast and get a fast program.
For me, this is Odin-Lang, it doesn't meet all the requirements you have listed, but it's ergonomic, fast, and comes with extensive core and vendor libraries. It's all just fun and reasonable.
Oh, that's quite on the mark!
Nitpicking: I'm not fond of reserving keywords like len or append.
Better is
is quite verbose
Maybe better would be
Seeing presence/absence of semicolons in the list of primary features makes me wary.
And it takes a lot of people to make good tooling.
I'm 100% fed up typing those damned semis all the time.. That's the very initial reason I embarked on a dialect of C. (That and strings)
They're mostly useless and a visual annoyance.