Comment by mst
8 months ago
The README has:
> It is very important to reinforce that, while Bend does what it was built to (i.e., scale in performance with cores, up to 10000+ concurrent threads), its single-core performance is still extremely sub-par. This is the first version of the system, and we haven't put much effort into a proper compiler yet. You can expect the raw performance to substantially improve on every release, as we work towards a proper codegen (including a constellation of missing optimizations).
which seems to be pretty much exactly that?
It's at the bottom, though, so I can imagine people just skimming for "how do I get started" missing it, and making it more obvious would almost certainly be a Good Thing.
I still feel like reading the whole (not particularly long) README before commenting being angry about it (not you) is something one could reasonably think the HN commentariat would be capable of (if you want to comment -without- reading the fine article, there's slashdot for that ;), but I'm also the sort of person who reads a whole man page when encountering a new command so perhaps I'm typical minding there.
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