Comment by Vvector
9 months ago
Why is HN demoting this article?
It was at the top of HN, then quickly buried to #20-#30. It is now at #27, being a hour old with 318 points.
9 months ago
Why is HN demoting this article?
It was at the top of HN, then quickly buried to #20-#30. It is now at #27, being a hour old with 318 points.
It was significantly downranked after about an hour on #1:
Yep, from #1 to bottom of the first page in 5 minutes...
Looks like a group of people decided to bury it
It is actually more likely it is the opposite, that it got temporarily boosted to get exposure, and then fell back as interest vaned. If mods want it gone, then it will be gone.
175 comments and +350 points in 1 hour is anything but "vanished interest" imho.
In the last 10 minutes, it got 35 more upvotes, but dropped from 27 to 30.