Comment by ivraatiems
9 months ago
This sort of situation is not time for an angry blog post. It's time for lawyers. OP needs to speak with counsel and find out whether they have a claim against Cloudflare for interfering with their business in this way. (If OP's business is so illegal they can't get a lawyer to help with that, that's another story, but it sure doesn't look that way.)
Fundamentally, the OP might be involved in something scummy or at least against Cloudflare's TOS. But if that's the case, if you have a customer who is violating your TOS, you don't hit them up and say "pay me an extra $119k a year and I'll look the other way". You say "here are your violations, fix them and prove to me that you fixed them, or pay for plan X which has terms under which they are not violations."
The way Cloudflare handled this is completely inappropriate and even if it wasn't their intention, makes it seem very strongly like extortion. Two wrongs don't make a right, and OP's business being possibly shady does not give Cloudflare license to extort them.
What are lawyers going to do about the clause that says they can drop anyone any time?
Trying enforce "reasonable behavior" by suing is a massive money pit that might yield nothing at all.