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Comment by Aardwolf

9 months ago

Because updating to become conformant might come with the risk of making it a "modern" overhaul :/

You don't need

> no cookie popups, no "subscribe to our newsletter" slide-ins, no phenomenon where the content loads but then a second later the page resets and re-loads the content again (probably with more ads or something)

to fix rendering layout using tables and cell width to render comment levels.

Just a few lines of CSS and Arc really. That would be a big overhaul only because HN is very small, but not that big in absolute.

  • And I just want a reasonable font size. On desktop it is miserable -- I always need to zoom to 133% to match the font size I see on other websites. On mobile it is ok.

    • I find it way too small on desktop, but it's not an issue because the browser remembers my zoom level.

      But I also find it too small on my mobile, and increasing the font size doesn't improve things, just makes it necessary to scroll sideways to read the comments.

      Overall the font size settings on HN are crap. I really wish @dang would listen to the frequent complaints and fix them.

So, I'm fearful of that as most people here, but if any entity can manage a respectful update, it has to be someone Y Combinator can pay.