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Comment by dspillett

9 months ago

MS went through anti-trust investigation for more than just bundling IE, and at the time commanded a much larger market share¹ of desktop computing than Apple do of the mobile market now.

But while your comparison is flawed, I agree with the assertion² that Apple should not be locking user choice like this. The EU agree too, hence Apple's immature little hissy fit nearly breaking their (already "not quite there") offline-first app support for EU users when they were told so.


[1] Avoiding the word "monopoly" to pre-counter the sort of "well actually" responses I got about dictionary definitions last time I said something like this.

[2] Unless I'm reading you backwards and you are saying MS should have been able to like Apple currently do!

You are not reading me backwards. And MSFT is worse today. I had to make changes at the BIOS level in a new Windows laptop to make it let me install Firefox without creating a Microsoft account. Was an ordeal just to get it to let me log in in the first place with a local only account.