Comment by cabalamat
8 months ago
But if they embrace, extend and extinguish, in a way that harms your users' freedom, that would not IMO be a good outcome.
8 months ago
But if they embrace, extend and extinguish, in a way that harms your users' freedom, that would not IMO be a good outcome.
Those users can always use the original browser. They haven't lost anything.
Imagine Ladybird is developed and is successful. Lots of people use it to read websites.
But then Badcorp takes the code and builds their own varient with extensions. Badcorp is big and has lots of market share. Lots of people use Badcorps's browser, and because lots of people are using it, lots of web developers code for it, including coding for its extensions.
Soon, lots of websites -- including Badcorp's own websites, and they have lots of popular ones -- use the extensions in the Badcorp browser.
Then people still using Ladybird can't use it for most websites. They have lost something.
What if BadApple takes BSD and forks it. Then they make their own BSD with extensions that only works on their own shiny fruit hardware.
What have the original BSD users lost? Absolutely nothing. BSD still exists, it’s still maintained, and people can still use it. They can also use fruit BSD if they want.
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