← Back to context Comment by spankalee 8 months ago It would be very cool if Servo were picked up as the engine for a new browser. 3 comments spankalee Reply mminer237 8 months ago You can download Servo right now and use it as a browser: https://servo.org/download/It is just extremely rough. It is in a far less-usable state than Ladybird even is and very prone to crashing. diego_sandoval 8 months ago But it's memory safe. SushiHippie 8 months ago Agreed, I really hope that someday we'll get a full rust browser, because rust is a language where I could see myself contributing (e.g. fixing bugs that annoy me when using it all day) to it, compared to other languages like C/C++.
mminer237 8 months ago You can download Servo right now and use it as a browser: https://servo.org/download/It is just extremely rough. It is in a far less-usable state than Ladybird even is and very prone to crashing. diego_sandoval 8 months ago But it's memory safe.
SushiHippie 8 months ago Agreed, I really hope that someday we'll get a full rust browser, because rust is a language where I could see myself contributing (e.g. fixing bugs that annoy me when using it all day) to it, compared to other languages like C/C++.
You can download Servo right now and use it as a browser: https://servo.org/download/
It is just extremely rough. It is in a far less-usable state than Ladybird even is and very prone to crashing.
But it's memory safe.
Agreed, I really hope that someday we'll get a full rust browser, because rust is a language where I could see myself contributing (e.g. fixing bugs that annoy me when using it all day) to it, compared to other languages like C/C++.