Comment by ArtixFox
8 months ago
thats nice! in my first comment I did say that both are good for performance. I just find the idea of performance being irrelevant to be...ridiculous.
8 months ago
thats nice! in my first comment I did say that both are good for performance. I just find the idea of performance being irrelevant to be...ridiculous.
If you can not do something it's performance of what exactly ? (of nothing, or ads)
But you can implement the same algorithm in c++, you can even implement it in assembly, or brainfuck! I do not care about c++ or rust or any of the language wars stuff. All I wanted to do was point out that the initial statement about disregarding performance was ridiculous and also point out that majority of the performance critical libraries are written in C++.When it comes to numerics its a mix of C++, C, asm, and fortran.
These things are still true.
Use your brain not mine, read and repeat. You can't measure performace of something if it's not possible to do that at all first. Like.. of your understanding till you do - then you can work on it (to make it less noisy and that, not how fast, is what for others matter).
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