← Back to context Comment by pharrington 7 months ago is your local network google.com ? 2 comments pharrington Reply shreddit 7 months ago I can tell my pc what ca to trust, so yes i can make it to… mimon 7 months ago So if you can just trick someone into trusting a bogus root CA, take control of their DNS resolution, and get them to open an attacker controlled domain in Chrome then you can... Use this API to get information about their current CPU utilisation.Wow some attack you got there.
shreddit 7 months ago I can tell my pc what ca to trust, so yes i can make it to… mimon 7 months ago So if you can just trick someone into trusting a bogus root CA, take control of their DNS resolution, and get them to open an attacker controlled domain in Chrome then you can... Use this API to get information about their current CPU utilisation.Wow some attack you got there.
mimon 7 months ago So if you can just trick someone into trusting a bogus root CA, take control of their DNS resolution, and get them to open an attacker controlled domain in Chrome then you can... Use this API to get information about their current CPU utilisation.Wow some attack you got there.
I can tell my pc what ca to trust, so yes i can make it to…
So if you can just trick someone into trusting a bogus root CA, take control of their DNS resolution, and get them to open an attacker controlled domain in Chrome then you can... Use this API to get information about their current CPU utilisation.
Wow some attack you got there.