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Comment by naikrovek

7 months ago

have you forgotten how bad commercials were back then, and still are?

I haven't watched TV in years and years and years, because of the ads. I have a YouTube premium subscription and I am not ever going to watch broadcast or cable tv again. ever.

> have you forgotten how bad commercials were back then

Most weren't 'bad', just noise.

Sure there were some cringy ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts0XG6qDIco

But some were GREAT!

-- Remember 'CH-ch-ch Chia Pet!' ?? ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzY7qQFij_M

-- How's about local commercials, like in Philadelphia: "Krass Brothers - Store of the Stars!!" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5R4rNxSWFw

  • By “bad” I mean “commercials exist and are shown on TV”.

    I don’t ever want to see a commercial. I have never been influenced by one. I never will be unless they change dramatically. There is no sales pitch that does not immediately make me dislike the salesperson.

    “You don’t deserve your money as much as I do.” That’s all a commercial is. “We want your money so here is some quick audio and maybe video designed to convince you to give your money to us, in exchange for something less valuable than the amount you paid.”