Comment by HanClinto
3 months ago
Excellent accomplishment, and wonderful writeup!
I appreciate the quote at the bottom of the article:
> Those of us who love computers need to have something slightly wrong with us, an irrationality to our rationality, a way to deny all the evidence of our eyes and ears that the hostile box of silicon is dead and unyielding. And fashion by cunning machinery the illusion that it lives.
That and this wonderful tongue-in-cheek advice:
> Writing your own PlayStation game in C is actually very simple: all it requires is to make no mistakes whatsoever.
Another great reminder to the rest of us that simple and complex are not analogous to easy and hard.
I'm late to the party but, as a prolific contributor to PSn00bSDK and the PS1 homebrew scene more in general, I feel obliged to shamelessly plug my own "PlayStation 1 demystified at the absolute lowest level" repo:
It's still very work in progress - I have only covered a tiny fraction of what the console's hardware can do - but I find it fascinating to explore how little code you actually need to get started on such a simple platform, even with no external SDKs or tools (aside from a completely standard MIPS GCC toolchain).
I saved that quote too!