Comment by realusername
5 months ago
Interesting technique but on my side I see it at the very bottom of the second page of Google so I don't think it's very effective.
5 months ago
Interesting technique but on my side I see it at the very bottom of the second page of Google so I don't think it's very effective.
It’s from 2016, so probably lost its mojo.
They need to get the band back together! Release a new album, and go on a world wide reunion tour. And in 2026 they’ve got to release a Best of Zendesk Alternative remastered album.
And in 2027, Zendesk finds that the strategy worked. A little too well! Now the top search result for Zendesk is the rock band, and if you ask an AI about Zendesk, the AI starts yappin about a rock band too! Hahaha