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Comment by bigiain

4 months ago

> If I am not mistaken, it wasn't zendesk that didn't want to recognize the bug

While it's unclear at which stage Zendesk became involved, in the "aftermath" section it's clear they knew of the H1 report, since they responded there. And later on the post says:

"Despite fixing the issue, Zendesk ultimately chose not to award a bounty for my report. Their reasoning? I had broken HackerOne's disclosure guidelines by sharing the vulnerability with affected companies."

The best care scenario as I see it is that Zendesk has a problem they need to fix with their H1 triage process and/or their in and out of scope rules there. And _none_ of that is the researcher's problem.

The worst (and in my opinion most likely) scenario, is that Zendesk did get notified when the researcher asked H1 to escalate their badly triaged denial to Zendesk for review, and Zendesk chose to deny any bounty and tried to hide their vulnerability.

> As an aside, I wonder if those bounties in general reflect the real value of those bugs. The economic damage could be way higher, given that people share logins in support tickets.

I think it's way worse than that, since internal teams often share logins/secrets/API keys (and details of architecture and networking that a smart blackhat would _love_ to have access to) in thei supposedly "internal" Slack channels. I think the fact that non Zendesk "affected companies" paid out $50k sets that as the absolute lower bound of "the real value of those bugs. And it's _obvious_ that the researcher didn't contact _every_ vulnerable Slack-using organisation. I wonder how much more he could have made by disclosing this to 10 or 100 times as many Slack using organisations, and delaying/stalling revealing his exploit POC to Zendesk while that money kept rolling in?

I'll be interested to see if HackerOne react to this, to avoid the next researcher going for this "second level" of bug bounty payouts by not bothering with H1 or the vulnerable company, and instead disclosing to companies affected by the vulnerability instead of the companies with the vulnerability? It's kinda well known that H1 buy bounties are relatively small, compared to the effort required to craft a tricky POC. But people disclose there anyway, presumably party out of ethical concerns and partly for the reputation boost. But now we know you can probably get an order of magnitude more money by approaching 3rd party affected companies instead of cheapskate or outright abusive companies with H1 bounties that they choose to downvalue and not pay out on.