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Comment by amarcheschi

1 month ago

If I use an ad id on android, is this id the identifier I can use to make a gdpr request to brokers regarding accessing and deleting my data? I don't have an ID but I'd be curious about doing that, in a similar way to xandr with its uuid2 (although xandr does just looks bad and not this terrible)

It's worth a try. However, expect the brokers to claim that they cannot be sure that you're the only person using the phone and therefore, for privacy reasons, they can't share the data.

You can complain to the Irish DPA (because that's where the broker is likely hiding, pro-forma), which will respond within a year or two with a request for more information.

If the broker made the mistake to be domiciled in a location with a more competent DPA or you are willing to drag them to court, you might stand a better chance.