Comment by 082349872349872
4 months ago
if there are no interiors (maybe edges but no faces nor volumes) then the vertices on the diagonals are truly independent: eg QM on small scales, GR on large ones.
[I'm currently pondering how the "main diagonal" of a transition matrix provides objects, while all the off-diagonal elements are the arrows. This implies that by rotating into an eigenframe (diagonalising), we're reducing the diversion to -∞ (generalised eigenvectors have nothing to lose but their Jordan chains) and hence back in the world of classical boolean logic?]
[Righhht, maybe you can excite me even more by relating this to quantales?? Or maybe expand on fns vs distributions a bit more?]
L: quantal (quasiparticles)
Is this sufficient relation: rel'ns (matrices which are particularly "irrreducible"/"simple" in that they've forgotten their weights to the point where these are either identity or zero) are concrete models of abstract quantales?
EDIT: I'm afraid I'm just learning fns vs distributions (curried fns?) myself.
I wonder how quasiparticles might relate to ideals (nuclei in quantale-speak I believe)? Note that something very much like quasiparticles is how regexen turn exponential searches into polynomial...
I ought to get overly emotional (in a bittersweet way) about all this, and i almost did, but Teddy reminded me to stay ataraxic (i.e. keeping his role in formulating key management policies purely in the cortex )
thank you for that blogpost about MPB (its one small step for fuzzablekind!)
[as well as the nuclei hint, more tk]
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