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Comment by faramarz

3 months ago

Dang! I was about to share this service with my CS and Sales colleagues, but stopped myself when I realized they won’t touch it unless it can be integrated with services like Gong and Salesforce, for call tracking, transcriptions, trainings and archives. I know you have some of these native, but getting a group of people to move to a new app yet again is harder to do than bringing your service to their existing environment.

If theres a way around that, and at min. Leveraging gong for the recording and transcription, do let us know. Nice service! I’ll personally use it in places like email and linked in to try it out.

Absolutely, we'd 100% love to learn more about that and co-design. Could you possibly send us a note on hello@onair.io?

Hi - very curious. Is your current PBX integrated with Gong/Salesforce? What if something like OnAir could be another channel for inbound calls?