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Comment by egorfine

7 days ago

I am genuinely surprised by the comments in this thread.

Privacy concerns are real but the importance of that matter in your project is overestimated here by an absurd level.

What I read is not a constructive criticism and the suggestions laid down are not realistic nor business relevant at all. I feel like this is some sort of mass wishful thinking.

I think it's actually refreshing to see the top comments and constructive criticism be about privacy concerns. It shows that even for little "Show HN" projects, there is growing intolerance of half-assing it. Not saying OP in particular is half-assing it, but it's good to see these questions being regularly asked front and center. I honestly wish the Tech Media paid more attention to privacy and security instead of just copy-pasting companies' PR statements as "articles."

  • My opinion is that the OP shouldn’t even half-ass it. Ignore anybody who has complaints about privacy and 0-ass it. People just love complaining and telling other people The Right Way To Do Things.

    • As the OP, I wasn't even complaining about privacy of the app or site per se. It was just feedback on how that part of the landing page copy made me, a potential consumer of the product (I'm in the process of buying a house rn) made me feel in the moment. Could be a quick copy change to fix.

> Privacy concerns are real

This isn't about privacy, it's a security concern. People's life savings are on the line here, and the information OP is requesting is enough to pull off very sophisticated social engineering attacks. It's entirely reasonable to ask what they're going to do with that information and how they're keeping it secured, and their reaction to the questions is entirely inappropriate for someone who's asking for this degree of trust.

Title deposit wire fraud is a very big risk. The amounts are devastating to the victims, so the operator has to go above and beyond to secure the data because of the huge risks involved. Would you risk losing a 5-/6-digit amount to fraud in order to potentially save on a 4-digit closing fee?