We are building connectors for that, so it will soon :) At the moment we are using python-igraph (which does everything locally) as we wanted to offer something as ready to use as possible.
I'd like to partner to see if a connector to a graph db can be mutually beneficial and provide some value to users. How do I reach out ? NOTE: Im not from Neo4j
That would be awesome, we have a discord you can join and we can talk there (link is in the github repo, message Antonio)
or you can message antonio [at] circlemind.com
We are building connectors for that, so it will soon :) At the moment we are using python-igraph (which does everything locally) as we wanted to offer something as ready to use as possible.
I'd like to partner to see if a connector to a graph db can be mutually beneficial and provide some value to users. How do I reach out ? NOTE: Im not from Neo4j
That would be awesome, we have a discord you can join and we can talk there (link is in the github repo, message Antonio) or you can message antonio [at] circlemind.com
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