Comment by mbesto
2 days ago
Curious - so how do you manage client-specific schemas then? Do you just have mappings in postgres (column1, column2, column3, etc.) or maybe store a client specific schema in bson per client?
2 days ago
Curious - so how do you manage client-specific schemas then? Do you just have mappings in postgres (column1, column2, column3, etc.) or maybe store a client specific schema in bson per client?
It's all JSON in two Postgres tables: `collection` which represents a Notion Database and has a `collection.schema` JSONB column, and `block` which has a `` JSONB column that stores the property values - the stuff in the Notion Database cells - for each row. We apply "schema on read" when querying or rendering a Notion Database, and we have a service on the backend that builds indexes/caches for hot collections on the fly. The service handles all the queries for collections larger than X rows. For smaller collections, we just give the client the whole thing modulo permissions and it does the query locally.