Comment by Lichtso
14 days ago
My implementation does:
- Implicit Curve Rendering (Loop-Blinn) and stencil geometry (tessellation-less) for filling
- Polygonization (with tangent space parameter distribution) of offset curves for stroking
> by converting it to quadratic bezier curve segments
Mathematically, the offset curve of a bezier curve is not a bezier curve of the same degree in the general case (exceptions are trivial cases like straight lines, circles and ellipses). Instead you get terrible high degree polynomials. You will have to approximate the offset curve anyway. I choose to use polygons (straight line segments), but you could also use splines (bezier segments), it is just overtly complex for little to no benefit IMO.
BTW, distance fields and offset curves are very similar. In fact the distance field is the set of all possible offsets of offset curves and the offset curves are the isolines on the distance field.
Here is a good summary of all the edge cases to think about in 2D rendering:
About subpixel AA: Don't bother, LCDs are on the down trend.
> About subpixel AA: Don't bother, LCDs are on the down trend.
OLEDs have subpixels, too. The real problem is the growing diversity in subpixel arrangements, making it impractical to have a good subpixel AA method for every display type on the market. And mobile platforms have it worse, because screen rotation means you need to be able to change AA methods on the fly.
Thank you very much for the hints! This rabbit hole gets deeper every day. :D