Comment by onionisafruit
7 hours ago
This post’s replies makes it clear a lot of us don’t recognize humor. Do people really think MyFitnessPal is trying to build a model of the average pantry?
7 hours ago
This post’s replies makes it clear a lot of us don’t recognize humor. Do people really think MyFitnessPal is trying to build a model of the average pantry?
The humor isn’t recognized because the humor isn’t there. To be funny there has to be a setup, a punchline, some kinda joke structure. Humor isn’t just saying false things…
Imagine a comedian saying this on stage, how many laughs would that get?
> Do people really think MyFitnessPal is trying to build a model of the average pantry?
We’ve all seen dumber things that are real. Juicero is my personal favorite example.
The humor is attained afterwards when one reads the comments who take it seriously, they become the punchline.
That completes the circuit. It's a nice setup.
Except we're living in a world where it wouldn't be that surprising, especially after reading this post. Good idea of a joke but bad execution.
Who knows what is next
The problem is that it's not possible to make a parody of an unethical company so blatant that it wouldn't also be a 100% plausible description of a business practice that some company actually does...
Silicon Valley TV show is a documentary