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Comment by peoplefromibiza

2 days ago

it was the 80s, I used to walk to school at 6, passing through an hospital, in a town, quite a big one, named Rome.

It's just that parents nowadays forgot that kids are functioning humans, can learn stuff and can do stuff on their own.

edit: for the downvoters, look at what Japan does or how women in Denmark do with their kids, instead of thinking "this man must be crazy, how in the hell I can leave my kids alone in this world full of dangers, they will surely die" and react like i tried to kidnap your kids to boil them and then eat them.

You won’t kidnap them, you’ll drive over them and then blame the kid for being in your way

  • I usually walk my friend, but nice try to shove your American way on me

    There's a say in my country "chi male pensa male agisce" which roughly translates to “those who think badly act badly”