Comment by saturn8601
2 months ago
People are waking up, and to be fair, Tesla really led the way in the US for the last few years because they had no choice(no one would take them seriously). The question is can the West turn the ship around before its too late?
Depends if we keep the CHIPS act and the IRA.
And immigration. China will have severe demographic issues in 10-20 years, but the West doesn't have to because everyone wants to come here, and we still have a culture accepting of immigrants. This century we could have China's working age population halve while America's population grows to 500 million or more. America will win in this scenario, and China will fall off like Japan fell off.
IMO the US really needs to do some house cleaning before anything real gets done. You can't expect the hand to cut itself out. I'm not sure if Trump could do that, TBH. He didn't have a lot of support in Military-Intelligence.
too many people on the entire political spectrum think that the government exists to create/artificially protect jobs instead of doing government things
too late for what??
too late relative to what?
too late to dominate in the industry of electric vehicles and thus, control/own large % of the wealth generated.
When Trump ups everything from China by 100% I guess US would be able to make something with profit?
I doubt it. It's much easier to either launder or manufacture the goods in a third country, that benefits from most of the same incentives that made Chinese manufacturing go through the roof.
Americans will be buying Chinese goods with "made in Vietnam" or "made in Mexico" stamped on it. The American profit will be in setting up those laundering schemes
If the Trump tariffs are based on country of final assembly, then yes, final assembly will just occur somewhere else, but it will take a couple of years to setup, and the inflation shock by that time will have done a lot of damage to the economy (recession likely, depression possible). It makes sense that it took Trump forever to find a treasury secretary willing to go along with this.
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It doesn't matter much if your shitbox is made in US or made in China when it cost 50k and nobody has the money for it
Vietnam and Mexico will massively profit.
With what workers?
Basically everyone is already employed.
That is not remotely how tariffs work.
Doesn't a tariff drive up prices? (or at least intended for that)
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