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Comment by alkonaut

5 days ago

> being in favor of ending the war

It would be good to hear how many that were in favor of ending the war because it's the right thing to do. Because it's unjust. Because it's an invasion of a sovereign nation. Not just "Because the sanctions make my butter too expensive".

The difference being that if the former number is over 50% that might mean the people would be for change, for new leadership and direction. If the latter is above 50 that just means people want cheaper butter. Perhaps wait a bit and try invading later. Or invade some weaker nation.

I think saving their sons is a more pressing issue than the old-news sanctions.

From a Russian perspective it’s not at all clear that it’s unjust; Ukraine was persecuting ethnic Russians and the initial claimed purpose of the war was to bring ethnic Russian regions back into Russia.

  • Classic playbook - aggressors always claim grievances: Japan and oil access, Germany and Prussia/Danzig extranational transport corridors, Russia and "oppressed comrades".

    Tribalism is a powerful reality distortion force.