Comment by zaroth
1 month ago
I don’t even use iCloud Photos and this was on by default. Very bad move by Apple to ship my photos off my device, without my permission, in any shape or form, I don’t care.
1 month ago
I don’t even use iCloud Photos and this was on by default. Very bad move by Apple to ship my photos off my device, without my permission, in any shape or form, I don’t care.
If you don't use iCloud Photos your photos are not shipped off your device.
I wish it were so! That was true until they turned this feature on by default.
That isn't what is happening. The author of this blog post has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.
> That isn't what is happening
Then why is it happening to me?
It’s funny how the wordsmiths come out to defend Apple here.
Your “photos” aren’t shipped off-device without your knowledge, just an arbitrary blob of ”metadata” that you can’t audit describing everything about that photo. :)
It’s sort of like “I don’t want my WiFi router uploading my house online!” And someone replying “it’s not your physical house, just a map of the house and the real time location of everyone in it! The house never moves!”