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Comment by timschmidt

2 months ago

And yet they were found. How many such exploits lurk unexamined in proprietary codebases?

yet you say this like Apple or Google or Microsoft has never released an update to address a security vuln

  • Apple[1], Google[2], and Microsoft[3] you say?

    You say this as if being shamed into patching the occasional vuln is equivalent to security best practices.

    Open code which can be independently audited is only a baseline for trustworthy code. A baseline none of those three meet. And one which by itself is insufficient to counter a reflections on trusting trust style attack. For that you need open code, diverse open build toolchains, and reproducible builds. None of which is being done by those three.

    Are you getting your ideas about security from the marketing department?

    1: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/03/hackers-can-extract... 2: https://www.wired.com/story/google-android-pixel-showcase-vu... 3: https://blog.morphisec.com/5-ntlm-vulnerabilities-unpatched-...

    • Go ahead and put that cup of kool-aid down for a minute. There are so so many OSS packages out there that have never been audited? Why not? Because people have better things to do. How many packages have you audited? Personally, I don't have the skillz to do that. The people that do expect to be compensated for their efforts. That's why so many OSS packges have vulns that go unnoticed until after they are exploited, which is the same thing as closed source.

      OSS is not the panacea that everyone touts it to be.

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