Comment by walterbell
2 months ago
Customers can (optionally) submit crash logs via email or support portal.
Apple iOS provides crash logs via the following navigation path:
Privacy & Security
Analytics Data
Notice Apple's choice of top-level menu for crash logs?
And of course you've reported every single crash you've encountered via email or support portal?
Normal people don't email support with crash logs, they just grumble about it to their coworkers and don't help fix the problem. You can't fix a problem you don't know about.
> You can't fix a problem you don't know about.
And yet we don't have home inspectors coming into our homes unannounced every week just to make sure everything is ok. Why is it that software engineers feel so entitled to do things that no other profession does?
Because software is digital and different than the physical world and someone like you understands that. It's intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise. How hard is it to make a copy of your house including all the things inside of it? Can you remove all personally identifying features from your house with a computer program? Analogies have their limitations and don't always lead to rational conclusions. Physicists had to contend with a lot of those after Stephen Hawking wrote his book about black holes with crazy theories that don't make sense if you know the math behind them.
Downloading a torrent isn't the same thing as going to the record store and physically stealing a CD, and regular people can also understand that there's a difference between the invasiveness of a human being entering your house and someone not doing that. So either people can understand torrenting isn't the same as going into a store a physically stealing something and anonymized crash logs aren't the same thing as a home inspector coming into your house, or Napster and torrenters actually owe the millions that the RIAA and MPAA want them to.
I'm not saying that all tracking is unequivocally good, or even okay, some of it is downright bad. But let's not treat people as idiots who can't tell the difference between the digital and physical realm.
Makes sense to me. Many exploits use a crash as their wedge into a system.