Unless you are suggesting selling tobacco is as unethical as torturing and murdering people of different tribes for the sake of them being in different tribes, I do not see what your point could be.
Should people simply never be able to sell or consume tobacco? Even if one’s consumption of tobacco does not negatively affect anyone else?
Honestly a better question would be if there are any social norms that allow for a moral CEO to exist? Pretty much all of our norms are tilted towards producing immoral executives.
“If I don’t work for the Nazi’s they will kill my family, so I will work for the Nazi’s”
There, I fixed your uninspired and incorrect anecdote.
Big tobacco execs are quite literally killing absolutely no one. Last I checked they aren’t sticking cigarettes in anyone’s mouth. Personal responsibility for your own actions is unfortunately lacking in many discussions surrounding things like this.
That's because we have a society have generally decided that personal responsibility is not actually the appropriate lens with which to judge the sale of addictive products.
Unless you are suggesting selling tobacco is as unethical as torturing and murdering people of different tribes for the sake of them being in different tribes, I do not see what your point could be.
Should people simply never be able to sell or consume tobacco? Even if one’s consumption of tobacco does not negatively affect anyone else?
What would be the alternative in this hypothetical be? I'm not clear what the argument here really is.
Are there any social norms that allows immoral CEOs to exist? What incubates an immoral CEO?
Honestly a better question would be if there are any social norms that allow for a moral CEO to exist? Pretty much all of our norms are tilted towards producing immoral executives.
“If I don’t work for the Nazi’s they will kill my family, so I will work for the Nazi’s”
There, I fixed your uninspired and incorrect anecdote.
Big tobacco execs are quite literally killing absolutely no one. Last I checked they aren’t sticking cigarettes in anyone’s mouth. Personal responsibility for your own actions is unfortunately lacking in many discussions surrounding things like this.
That's because we have a society have generally decided that personal responsibility is not actually the appropriate lens with which to judge the sale of addictive products.
Nazis were political leaders. So yes, you should try to be a good political leader to prevent the growth in power of bad ones.