Comment by azemetre
19 days ago
There’s a fine line between scrapping and DDOS’ing I’m sure.
Just because you manufacture chemicals doesn’t mean you can legally dump your toxic waste anywhere you want (well shouldn’t be allowed to at least).
You also shouldn’t be able to set your crawlers causing sites to fail.
intent is likely very important to something like a ddos charge
Maybe, but impact can also make a pretty viable case.
For instance, if you own a home you may have an easement on part of your property that grants other cars from your neighborhood access to pass through it rather than going the long way around.
If Amazon were to build a warehouse on one side of the neighborhood, however, it's not obvious that they would be equally legally justified to send their whole fleet back and forth across it every day, even though their intent is certainly not to cause you any discomfort at all.
So is negligence. Or at least I would hope so.
So have the stressor and stress testing DDoS for hire sites changed to scraping yet?
The courts will likely be able to discern between "good faith" scraping and a DDoS for hire masquerading as scraping.
Wilful ignorance is generally enough.
It's like these AI companies have to invent scraping spiders again from scratch. I don't know how often I have been ddosed to complete site failure and still ongoing by random scrapers just the last few months.