Comment by TacticalCoder
2 months ago
> Anecdatally, by default, we now block all Chinese and Russian IPs across our servers.
This. Just get several countries' entire IP address space and block these. I've posted I was doing just that only to be told that this wasn't in the "spirit" of the Internet or whatever similar nonsense.
In addition to that only allow SSH in from the few countries / ISPs legit trafic shall legitimately be coming from. This quiets the logs, saves bandwidth, saves resources, saves the planet.
I agree with your approach. It’s easy to empathize with innocent people in say, Russia, blocked from a site which has useful information to them. However the thing these “spirit/openness” people miss is that many sites have a narrow purpose which makes no sense to open it up to people across the world. For instance, local government. Nobody in India or Russia needs to see the minutes from some US city council meeting, or get building permit information. Likewise with e-commerce. If I sell chocolate bars and ship to US and Canada, why wouldn’t I turn off all access from overseas? You might say “oh, but what if some friend in $COUNTRY wants to order a treat for someone here?” And the response to that is always “the hypothetical loss from that is minuscule compared to the cost of serving tons of bot traffic as well as possible exploits those bots might do.
(Yes, yes, VPNs and proxies exist and can be used by both good and bad actors to evade this strategy, and those are another set of IPs widely banned for the same reason. It’s a cat and mouse game but you can’t argue with the results)