Comment by adamtaylor_13
2 months ago
Yeah it’s always interesting to me when people get rid of stabilizing social forces in their life to “work on themselves”. Changing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, in fact, it’s usually DUE TO those social forces that we learn, grow, and improve.
Gutting an otherwise healthy relationship to navel-gaze seems like a bad choice.
Source: My wife has absolutely pushed me to address hard things in my life and I’m better for it.
That's such a thoughtful thing to say! thank you for sharing that Adam. I hope you've told her this too, it would mean a lot for her to hear you say so. I find that a good encouragement as I seek to one day be married again :)
Thank you! That’s good advice and thankfully I have told her many times and in many ways that she has 10x my life.