Comment by freen
2 months ago
Gonna hazard that if the above gets moderated/deleted, our new friend “eff-tagline” won’t complain that my freedom of speech is being impinged.
2 months ago
Gonna hazard that if the above gets moderated/deleted, our new friend “eff-tagline” won’t complain that my freedom of speech is being impinged.
Yes, free speech advocates seem to lose enthusiasm for the freedom of speech they disagree with. Curious.
They never seem to be grumpy about spam getting deleted.
It’s always “why can’t I be mean to people without consequences?”
Or, “I should be able to be racist/ableist/discriminatory and you have to host my vitriol or else you are violating my freedom of speech, private company!!”
I would love to be able to cure the problem of people being mean on the internet.
I think it's a million dollar idea, if it's possible.
I think it can be done, but it seems that incivility is seen as more profitable, or something?
Twitter Japan, for example, is known for being fairly civil. I think even Elon Musk, at one point, said that Twitter Japan was a model for all of Twitter. Go Elon!
Then Elon took over and actively, it seems to me, promoted incivility. I think he figured that making Twitter, now X, more controversial would promote engagement. But Twitter Japan showed that people could engage civilly and didn't need controversy to promote engagement.
I suspect had Elon chose to make Twitter/X more like Twitter Japan, he wouldn't have lost his advertisers (which apparently were a major percentage of revenue).
But the past is history, and Twitter/X is what it is, and is likely to stay that way I think.