Comment by freen
2 months ago
They never seem to be grumpy about spam getting deleted.
It’s always “why can’t I be mean to people without consequences?”
Or, “I should be able to be racist/ableist/discriminatory and you have to host my vitriol or else you are violating my freedom of speech, private company!!”
I would love to be able to cure the problem of people being mean on the internet.
I think it's a million dollar idea, if it's possible.
I think it can be done, but it seems that incivility is seen as more profitable, or something?
Twitter Japan, for example, is known for being fairly civil. I think even Elon Musk, at one point, said that Twitter Japan was a model for all of Twitter. Go Elon!
Then Elon took over and actively, it seems to me, promoted incivility. I think he figured that making Twitter, now X, more controversial would promote engagement. But Twitter Japan showed that people could engage civilly and didn't need controversy to promote engagement.
I suspect had Elon chose to make Twitter/X more like Twitter Japan, he wouldn't have lost his advertisers (which apparently were a major percentage of revenue).
But the past is history, and Twitter/X is what it is, and is likely to stay that way I think.