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Comment by graycat

1 month ago

> A human does not need billions of driving hours to learn how to drive competently.

But humans DO need ~16 years of growth and development "to learn how to drive competently" and then will also know how to ride a bycycle, mow grass, build shelves, cook pizza, use a smart phone, ...! There's a lesson in that somewhere ....

You don't need the 16, you can get a much younger person to drive too. It only supports the fact that data amount/quality is not the problem.

  • > It only supports the fact that data amount/quality is not the problem.

    I agree with that. I.e., for

    "drive competently."

    the way humans learn it is more general, i.e., also brings the list I gave with bycycles, pizza, grass mowing, etc.


    "drive competently."

    the way humans do it requires a lot of judgment, maturity which is not very well defined!

    Guys, I don't understand how to make progress on AI. E.g., just asked X > Grok "similitude", and it gave a good answer, maybe like a long dictionary answer. But it looked like Grok had some some impressive plagiarism -- I can't tell the difference.

  • You're forgetting a few billion years of evolution; we come with a fair amount of pretraining encoded in our DNA

    • You raise a fair point. But I think it still aligns with what I was going for, the millions of years in evolution are not more data on the same system but the system itself changing to be able to cope with limited data and novel scenarios.

      Its also not given or constant, modern humans are super young in the evolutionary scale and very different even if very similar from other animals. Funny enough we might have cracked the difference (language processing) but are still very far in the rest for AGI.

    • It's not pretraining data that we have encoded in our DNA - it's an optimized learning/prediction architecture that is encoded ... how to build a brain that will then be able to learn efficiently.

      The amount of knowledge/behavior that is innate - encoded in our DNA - is pretty minimal, consisting of things like opposite sex sexual attraction, fear of heights, fear of snakes, disgust at rotting smell, etc - basic survival stuff.