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Comment by umeshunni

1 month ago

Neither Apple nor Google were giants in 2007.

"Not as giant as they are today" is not the same thing as "not giants". Let's compare revenue and net income for Google, Apple, and the other manufacturers that OP mentioned:

* Google: $16.5B revenue, $4.2B net income [0]

* Apple: $24B revenue, $3.5B net income [1]

* Motorola: $36B, -$49M net income [2]

* BlackBerry (RIM): $2B, $382M net income [3]

* Nokia: €51B, €7.9B net income [4]

* Sony: $48B, $799M net income (converted from yen at 158 yen/$) [5]

These numbers are absolutely in the same ballpark as the supposedly-larger players which they beat out, and in terms of profit substantially higher than all but Nokia.

[0] https://abc.xyz/assets/investor/static/pdf/2007_google_annua...

[1] https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0000320193/4913a18...

[2] https://www.motorolasolutions.com/content/dam/msi/docs/en-xw...

[3] https://www.annualreports.com/HostedData/AnnualReportArchive...

[4] https://www.nokia.com/system/files/files/request-nokia-in-20...

[5] https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/IR/library/ar/SonyAR07-E.pd...

Both were giants in 2007. Google was at peak post-IPO fame and Apple was full steam ahead with Jobs at the helm. They were huge players, far from startups or upstarts.

  • Seconded. For context, Google was about to launch Chrome and Apple was about to launch the Windows version of Safari. Both companies were clearly on the offense at the time.

    (and the parent poster was competing with both :) )