Comment by blactuary
2 months ago
I can. Before he owned twitter, if someone called me the n-word or other racial slurs, action was taken. Now when that happens and I report it, they reply to tell me no rules were broken
2 months ago
I can. Before he owned twitter, if someone called me the n-word or other racial slurs, action was taken. Now when that happens and I report it, they reply to tell me no rules were broken
I'm sorry to hear you're called slurs. They seem endemic for my kid as well as soon as you move out of ultra progressive areas; as a white parent of a black kid, it's disheartening and eye opening to find out just how racist some families are, and how immensely wide spread it is.
That said, I don't think this qualifies as newly minted removal of speech. It is the allowance of speech that was formerly removed.
He does not allow the use of the word cisgender, in any context, for one
This is so vigorous that the standalone term "cis", is frequently targeted for visibility reduction even when used outside of the context of gender.
Yep, this was mentioned elsewhere in this thread, and it's the only example I've heard of. Like I said elsewhere, seems performative to me.