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Comment by LeafItAlone

2 months ago

>Who cares?

I believe it’s in everybody’s best interest to stand up against discrimination.

I don’t give a fuck if Bob Jones University rejects homosexuals and neither should anyone.

  • Well, I do. Sorry if that offends you, I guess.

    Let them discriminate on acceptable characteristics, such as grades, extra curricular activities, and legacy status like every other college.

  • Well for all the whinging about how biased-to-the-left universities are, it sure seems ironic that the only colleges that explicitly banning attendance over different opinions are colleges on the right.

    If somebody complains persistently about all the times the "woke" is unfair but conveniently forgets to mention a single time conservatives are unfair then I can only presume either they are not very educated about the facts of our world, or intentionally misrepresenting the facts of our world.