Comment by Levitz
2 months ago
Imagine company A and B.
A report comes out, turns out that a certain HR person in company A hasn't hired a single black applicant since they got there.
At the same time, a video comes out showing the equivalent person in company B saying the n word in passing.
In this situation, it's maybe considered that the person in A might be racist, while it's completely assumed the person in B is.
Depending on the number of applicants and job posts, it may be hard to prove that the person in company A discriminates.
Thanks for proving my point. This exact benefit of the doubt is not given to the other guy.
Where’s the plausible deniability to using the n word? I guess if you were singing? But I don’t think that’s the example you had in mind here.
I swear, you people make up the most creative mental gymnastics to rationalize why you should be allowed to call people the n-word.