Comment by _joel
17 days ago
I'm similar to some other people here, I guess once they've been bitten by data loss due to btrfs, it's difficult to advocate for it.
17 days ago
I'm similar to some other people here, I guess once they've been bitten by data loss due to btrfs, it's difficult to advocate for it.
I am assuming almost everybody at some point experienced data loss because they pulled out a flash drive too early. Is it safe to assume that we stopped using flash drives because of it?
I'm not sure we have stopped using flash, judging by the pile of USB sticks on my desk :) In relation to the fs analogy if you used a flash drive that you know corrupted your data, you'd throw it away for one you know works.
I once purchased a bunch of flash drives from Google’s online swag store and just unplugging them was often enough to put then in a state where they claimed to be 8MB devices and nothing I wrote to them was ever possible to read back in my limited tests. I stopped using those fast.